I love him just like that…

I love him so much, just like that… From the moment I met him, I felt it… It wasn’t like I had a crystal ball to forsee…I could just see… Through his eyes I saw his soul… He became my friend, my confidant, my soul mate… We laugh together, we cry together, we go throughContinue reading “I love him just like that…”

I love you mummy…

These words are enough for me… Uttered by their little mouths, their words dive deeply and linger always… My beautiful children, so full of love… Their words and actions amazes me everyday… I am so blessed, and in them I see my absolute contentment… They are growing so fast, so beautifully with hearts to match… SimpleContinue reading “I love you mummy…”

Ventures with my children…autism in tow!

You forget that a time always comes, when you completely feel overwhelmed and maybe a scream or cry would help…but not when its around a high functioning autistic child! Last few days have been hellish! I hardly take my daughter to crowded areas (shopping centres)… But I decided on Monday, we’d go and buy someContinue reading “Ventures with my children…autism in tow!”

World Autism Awareness Day 02.04.2017…My world everyday๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿ’™

Today and everyday is Autism awareness day… Empowered with a life to share and to elevate oneself, and others along the path… At first not easy, but as time has permitted  my understanding has been broadened… Ignorance isn’t bliss! Especially when compassion is needed… My stance with my autistic princess was to just listen toContinue reading “World Autism Awareness Day 02.04.2017…My world everyday๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿ’™”

International Women’s Day 2017…

To be a strong, beautiful, loving woman at this time makes me grin with the biggest of smiles… My heart smiles the most because I am a proud mama…My babies turned me into a real woman… A woman who carries and shows her heart without much anticipation…though, often life experiences teach me valuable lessons allContinue reading “International Women’s Day 2017…”

Don’t forget you are human…

When you are high up there, you don’t forget you are human….you have finally made it! Status, money, all you have dreamt of has come to pass…you don’t have those worries any longer…so ot seems! You have the ultimate status, but once upon a time you too struggled…but now you forget… But suddenly you haveContinue reading “Don’t forget you are human…”

For what I do for you, I also do for myself!

An inspiring few weeks for me personally, complete emancipation of my very being… As a growing woman, I exude what I must at this present time. Always been a woman’s woman. To love and to encourage you is what I always want to do. I don’t function on negativity, my stance is to potray loveContinue reading “For what I do for you, I also do for myself!”